Products and services of
QB-Innovation GmbH
Laser systems and components
We offer systems and corresponding modules for refractometry, laser absorption spectroscopy and FTIR spectroscopy. These are currently customized individual solutions. One example are novel multiple reflection cells.
Consulting and design of components
We will be happy to advise you with our expertise in optimizing the design of optical components, systems for gas handling, temperature control and thermal insulation, as well as acoustic damping (vibration and shock).
Programming and scientific data evaluation
Due to the interdisciplinary expertise of our team, we offer you the possibility to evaluate data sets scientifically. Regarding spectroscopy but also in the field of environmental analysis and medical-biological questions.
Expertise and networks

EU project MQB-Pascal
The 'MQB-Pascal' project is the follow-up project after the successful completion of the QuantumPascal project. The focus is now on the establishment of quantum-based pressure measurement in various national metrological institutes, the use of nitrogen as a measuring gas and industry-related applications. As coordinator of this project, Dr. Tom Rubin has a direct link to the latest findings on laser-based pressure measurement and a correspondingly good network.

EU project PriSpecTemp
The 'PriSpecTemp' project is about spectroscopically determining the temperature of gases with the highest possible accuracy. The goal here is to achieve uncertainties of 25 mK. This is important, for example, for atmospheric spectroscopy and the associated climate simulations. Therefore, in the PriSpecTemp project, among other things, carbon dioxide is investigated as a relevant gas. To achieve the required long optical path lengths in the laboratory, multireflection cells or FP resonators are used.

EU project QuantumPascal
The 'QuantumPascal' project was successfully completed at the end of 2022. Dr. Tom Rubin coordinated the project, in which Europe's leading theorists in the field of ab initio calculations of gas parameters and experimentalists in the field of quantum-based pressure measurement worked closely together to demonstrate the feasibility and strength of this new realization of the pascal. Here, the focus was on the use of helium or argon as the measurement gas for the pressure range from 1 Pa to 100 kPa.
Together, the two managing directors Tom Rubin and Harald Rubin bring more than 50 years of expertise in the fields of spectroscopy and instrument development to the table.
If you are competent and motivated and are interested in the development or marketing of novel laser technologies, for example for applications in the fields of medicine, environmental or climate research, please send us an unsolicited application.
The QB-Innovation GmbH is a spin-off of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) and was founded in 2023 in connection with the QVLS-HTI (Quantum Valley Lower Saxony - Hightech-Incubator).

Tom Rubin
Dr. rer. nat. & Dr. rer. med. Tom Rubin developed the first laser-based liver function measurement device 'FLIP', which is now marketed by HUMEDICS GmbH for clinical use. He discovered a significant flaw in the formula for optical path lengths in Herriott cells and developed a new long path cell type that allows significantly longer path lengths for the same volume. He has been with PTB for 10 years, heads the WG 'Photonic Pressure Measurement' and is/was coordinator of the EU projects 'MQB-Pascal' and 'QuantumPascal'.